Ms. Donna Ritch, RN., EPC
Faculty Member

Donna is a Registered Nurse with more than forty years’ experience of bringing her special brand of nursing to each person and/or family in her independent practice. Donnas’ post graduate education has focused on health promotion and prevention with a focus on the older adult. As an Elder Planning Counselor, Donna is a well-versed speaker about healthy aging, increasing one’s health span and how to enjoy each stage of life. In the last two decades Donna has also learned from her Elder Care Planning Counselor audiences about the needs of an aging person and how to care for the changing needs of family members.

As a volunteer Donna has facilitated programs on bereavement, provided personal support to the bereaved as well as offering Therapeutic Touch to the dying and their loved ones.

Donna is also a writer, who has published “Scarbro Boomers…the Real Dick and Jane”, which is about growing up as a baby boomer, who experienced the joys and the pitfalls of that time. She and Michael Benson, her coauthor, speak from the heart and use lots of humour in the process.

Lastly, Donna embraces a healthy lifestyle. She believes that it is never too late to develop healthy lifestyle practices. The message is that healthy aging practices can increase one’s health span and quality of life!

Canadian Initiative for Elder Planning Studies Inc.
203-4438 Ontario Street

Beamsville, ON L3J 0A4

Toll Free Phone 866 833-8606  Toll Free Fax 866 209-5111

This web site Copyright CIEPS (2020) Ltd

"EPC designation, EPC, canadian elder benefits, Elder Planning Counselor, Distance Learning, Correspondence Course, CE Credits, CSA, Certified Senior Advisor, estate planning, end of life planning, senior social issues, elders, caregiving, caregiver, chronic illnesses, retirement benefits, government benefits, OAS, CPP, lifestyle, dementia, dymentia, alzheimer's, alzheimers, medicare, bereavement, snowbirds, funeral planning, end of life issues, designation program, training, certification class, correspondence course, online study, seniors, 50 plus, textbook, correspondence, CIEPS, Canadian Initiative for Elder Planning Studies, competitive edge, advisors, older people, elder marketing, old, boomers, marketing strength, education, elder studies, institute, insurance financial planning, health, long term care, gerontology, lifestyle, counselling, retirement, training for professionals"