The Canadian Initiative for Elder Planning Studies is Now Accepting
Sponsorship Opportunities for the 2024 Elder Planning Issues Conferences (EPIC)

We are holding our Fall 2024 Toronto, ON "LIVE" In-Person & Live Webcast Elder Planning Issues Conference (EPIC) on November 14, 2024.

You can view all the details about the EPICs here - 2024 EPIC Information as they get updated.   

If you provide products, services or concepts that would appeal to our aging landscape, or if you just want exposure in the "aging" market, then this is the conference that you should be a part of. 

These conferences have been attended by Financial Advisors, Healthcare workers & other Professionals in addition to the general public who are looking for information and ideas on how to deal with elder issues for their aging clients, prospects, patients and customers.


The 2024 National Elder Planning Issues Conference Sponsorship Opportunity

As a sponsor of this event, your company will get the visibility that it deserves and send the message that you are associated with and want to do business with elder markets.

All sponsors will have their company logo and contact information on all the marketing materials that are distributed to promote the 2024 National Elder Planning Issues Conference website and during the Toronto EPIC. 

Your fee for sponsorship will be $300.00 + taxes. 

In exchange for your sponsorship

* You will have a booth area set up for you. We provide a skirted table and chairs, but you are welcome to bring your corporate booth.
* You will receive the opportunity to give a short "elevator" talk on what you and your company does.
* You will get business exposure and a chance to connect with new relationships.
* You will be featured on our EPIC website and in all marketing that is distributed.
* You will also receive a listing of all the conference attendees after the conferences, so that you can follow up with them.

If you or your company want to advertise and market successfully today, then do so with our aging Canadians, with a company that specializes with aging knowledge. 

As Willie Sutton said, "Go where the money is... and go there often."

Please contact  with your sponsorship intent as soon as possible, so that we can get you on the EPIC conference site and in our marketing materials. 

Consider this... "Entrepreneurial leadership requires the ability to move quickly when opportunity presents itself." - Brain Tracy __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Canadian Initiative for Elder Planning Studies Inc.
203-4438 Ontario Street

Beamsville, ON L3J 0A4
Toll Free Phone 855-882-3427  Toll Free Fax 866 209-5111

This web site Copyright CIEPS (2020) Ltd